Is Your Rate Too High?

Every year insurance carriers that offer medicare supplements have rate increases.  These increase may be as little as $5 to over $30 more per month, but over time that adds up.  Being on a fixed income we want you to keep money in your pockets and not letting it fall out of them…which is what you are doing if you don’t see if their are better options out there.

DID YOU KNOW? – You can change your Medicare supplement policy at any time during the year?  Did you also know there may be a better value plan than the most popular Plan F?  Most seniors that have a supplemental policy don’t really understand that they may have other options.  With a Medigap policy you don’t have to wait until the end of the year to change plans!

What do we recommend?

If you could find a plan that saves you $500 per year and gives you the same or similar benefits; don’t you think it would be a good idea to look into it?  Most agents and call centers push Plan F because it covers 100% of what Medicare doesn’t (of Medicare approved claims).  Seniors are often led to believe that they must have Plan F and that it is their best option.  We don’t advocate Plan F because we feel that Plan G is the better value for our clients.  Plan G covers everything Plan F covers with the exception of your Part B annual deductible, which for 2016 is $166.  Your premium savings alone will more than cover this $166 deductible making the choice pretty easy.


Why we like Plan G for our clients (below rates are for 67 year old, married, non smoker female in Charlotte, NC)
 Plan F   Plan G
Annual Premiums  $167.25 x 12 months = $2,007  $90.33 x 12 months = $1,083.96
Annual Part B Deductible  covered by Plan F automatically  You pay the $166 Annual Part B Deductible out of your pocket
Total  $2,007  $1,249.96
 Savings of $757.04/year


As you can see Plan G can save you a substantial amount of annual premiums and total out of pocket expenses.  Remember the only difference in F and G is the annual deductible of $166 (for 2016).  Once you pay the $166, your Plan G will work exactly like Plan F.

Bottom line is if you are on Plan F you ARE PAYING TOO MUCH. Also if you are on Plan G and not on the carrier that we recommend (call us to find out who this is) then you ARE PAYING TOO MUCH.  So why pay more per year in premiums than you need to for the exact same coverage?


To find out if you qualify just click the button below.  If you want you can put in your current plan and rate in the comment section and we’ll compare the differences.  It will only take a couple of minutes and we offer ZERO pressure….we can either save you money or we can’t!  If we can help, great!  If we cannot help, we can simply part as friends.

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Also for further education on why Plan G is better please watch the video that we put together that goes into a little more detail…


Medicare Made Easy - Expert Guidance, No Cost!

We simplify Medicare for you at no cost. As independent brokers, we offer unbiased advice and ongoing support to ensure you get the best coverage.